Διαδηλώσεις κατά των πολιτικών λιτότητας στην Ελλάδα, καθώς και της μεταναστευτικής πολιτικής της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης σε Βερολίνο, Δουβλίνο, Παρίσι, Λονδίνο καθώς και σε άλλες πόλεις της Ευρώπης.
15:17 #20jberlin Demo now at Wilhelmstr #Berlin #stopkillingRefugees #20j pic.twitter.com/jAihNBnp0T
— Enough is Enough! (@enough14) June 20, 2015
Photos from the #EndAusterityNow demo in Berlin #20jBerlin via @c_g_citizen
#ChangeEurope #StopAusterity #Greece pic.twitter.com/P6ZbXckhA7
— spyros gkelis (@northaura) June 20, 2015
Huge number of Greek flags in Dublin city centre. Great internationalism. #IrelandStandsWithGreece pic.twitter.com/Ngrm3Ilbvg
— Greek Solidarity IRL (@Ireland4Greece) June 20, 2015
Ireland and Greece - two peoples, one struggle! #IrelandStandsWithGreece pic.twitter.com/wTmVBCvKhW
— Greek Solidarity IRL (@Ireland4Greece) June 20, 2015
Solidarity to Greece banner in London anti-austerity rally -PHOTO - http://t.co/r5zrkfvYd4 pic.twitter.com/OOMCrNK4lZ
— enikos_en (@enikos_en) June 20, 2015
Thousands flood London streets to protest against austerity http://t.co/BWTArOLdGX | https://t.co/oGLUKoOrGu pic.twitter.com/bgCOH1IalO
— ...david jones (@_dpaj) June 20, 2015
Just added a new livestream tomorrow for Paris anti-austerity demo. This is 50/50 on working https://t.co/sFeBEnvPfX pic.twitter.com/xOBFQ98cWQ
— Independence Live (@liveIndyScot) June 19, 2015
If #Greece was a bank would already have been saved": Sticker in the Paris rally asking to end austerity in #Greece pic.twitter.com/ilCTJSsCiU
— spyros gkelis (@northaura) June 20, 2015
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